Lower Zambezi National Park

Lower Zambezi National Park

About Lower Zambezi

Stretching alongside the Zambezi River lies Zambia's gem, Lower Zambezi National Park. Covering 4,092 square kilometres, this sanctuary is alive with wildlife such as elephants, hippos, lions, leopards, buffaloes, and hard-to-find African wild dogs.

The calm Zambezi River, a spot celebrated by UNESCO for its rich animal life, is perfect for gentle canoeing, fishing, and boating. And, with the grand Zambezi escarpment rising in the background, it sets a stunning scene for Lower Zambezi Safari Tours.

For those seeking a true Zambia Safari experience, Lower Zambezi is unmatched. Here, you're invited to dive into the wilderness, surrounded by stunning beauty and abundant wildlife.

It's a place where Zambia Destinations like this remind you of nature's untouched rhythm. Welcome to a world where nature still leads the way.

Lower Zambezi National Park Tours and Safaris

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Best time to visit

The Best Time to Visit Lower Zambezi National Park is from July to October. These months fall within the dry season and offer great conditions for wildlife viewing. Because of scarce water resources around the bush, animals frequently gather around the river which makes them easier to spot. While lodges and canoe operators welcome visitors from April to November, September and October are particularly noteworthy for fishing enthusiasts. Early in the season, from April to June, the lush bush and tall grass can make spotting animals more challenging.


In Lower Zambezi National Park, the Zambia Wildlife experience is extraordinary. During the dry season, elephants and buffaloes gather in large numbers, providing spectacular viewing opportunities. Predators like leopards and lions are often seen in a relaxed state. Wildlife sightings such as a leopard with her cubs, a lion pride on the hunt, and hyenas on a scavenge are common. Another highlight is the presence of large packs of wild dogs, Africa's most successful hunters, known for their speed and energy.

What To Experience

Travel Guide for Lower Zambezi National Park

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Lower Zambezi Map and Geography

Lower Zambezi National Park is a beautiful and diverse area in Zambia, where the landscape changes from highlands down to the riverbanks of the Zambezi River. This park is a mix of two distinct forest types:

  • Southern Miombo woodlands in the higher areas, provide lush, dense forests.
  • Zambezian and Mopane woodlands on the lower slopes, offer a different kind of natural beauty.

Travellers looking for adventure or a peaceful escape can find it here among the stunning scenery and diverse wildlife. For those planning a trip, here are some key details:

  • Location: Zambia
  • Coordinates:
    • Latitude: -15.945188
    • Longitude: 28.923388

If you're interested in exploring this magnificent area, our Lower Zambezi Safari Tours provide an excellent way to experience the park's natural wonders. The park's design includes easy access to lodging, camping sites, and pathways, making it perfect for anyone looking to dive into the wilderness.

For your convenience, we have put a Lower Zambezi National Park Map:

Lower Zambezi National Park Weather and Climate

Lower Zambezi National Park's climate swings between warm days and cooler nights which makes it a prime spot for Zambia Safaris. This unique park stands out for its distinct dry and wet seasons, each offering its adventures.

Dry Season (May to October)

  • Everything kicks off in May, as the rains stop, leaving behind lush and water-rich scenes.
  • From June to July, the days are comfortably warm at about 25°C (77°F), but nights invite a chill down to around 11°C (52°F) — a heads-up to pack some cosy layers.
  • As August and September roll in, it heats up, the ground dries, and temperatures climb to about 31°C (88°F).
  • By October, the heat peaks at 34°C (93°F), but late-month rains bring a refreshing change.

Wet Season (November to April)

  • November begins with hot days, around 33°C (91°F), and the occasional thunderstorm that cools off in the afternoon.
  • The wettest months, December to March, see frequent rains with daytime temperatures hovering at 32°C (90°F) and cooler nights at 16°C (61°F).
  • April emerges as a favourite with lighter rains, showcasing a vibrant green landscape that draws visitors.

In Lower Zambezi National Park, each season has its charm. The dry months are perfect for wildlife spotting by the river, while the wet months reveal a lush, vibrant world.

It’s a place that offers the Best Safaris in Zambia, no matter when you choose to visit. So, irrespective of when you go around Lower Zambezi, the park's climate is always ready to welcome you into an epic adventure.

How to Get to Lower Zambezi National Park

Top of FormGetting to Lower Zambezi National Park marks the beginning of an extraordinary adventure. Here are your options, each offering a unique journey.

  • Flying In

For speed and stunning views, catch a flight from Lusaka to Royal or Jeki Airstrips. It’s quick and gives you a bird's-eye view of Zambia's beautiful landscapes. Once you land, our safari crew will handle the pickup, making it a smooth start to your Lower Zambezi Safari Tours.

  • Driving Adventure

If you prefer the scenic route, driving from Lusaka is a great choice. It takes about 5 hours, and you’ll need a 4x4 for the rough patches. This journey lets you see the country up close, adding a sense of adventure to your Zambia Safari.

  • Lodge Transfers

Many lodges offer transfers from Lusaka or Chirundu, sometimes including a thrilling boat ride. This hassle-free option blends comfort with the excitement of starting your Zambia Tours and Safaris.

  • Self-Drive

For ultimate control over your trip, driving yourself from Lusaka is an option. The road to Chirundu is straightforward, paving the way to your adventure in the park.

Whichever way you choose, one thing for sure is that you are going to witness the most amazing Zambia Safari with us by your side.

Lower Zambezi Habitat

Lower Zambezi National Park is a stunning spot for Zambia Safaris, boasting a rich mix of landscapes.

The park's unique landscape is shaped by the Zambezi River and the escarpment and creates a variety of environments within a compact area.

Key aspects of the park's habitat include:

  • A mix of grassland, woodland, forest, thicket, floodplain, and riverine areas due to varied soil types and water tables.
  • The park witnesses the dominance of Acacia albida trees. These trees are known for their broad, shady canopies, which play a crucial role in stabilizing sandbanks and providing nutrition to elephants.

The park's establishment is aimed at protecting this vital ecosystem. This comes especially after almost 80% of Zambia's elephants were lost to poaching.

Today, Lower Zambezi National Park Safaris offers guided walks and drives which gives visitors a close-up view of the park's efforts to conserve its natural and scenic beauty.

While the park is a sanctuary for wildlife, including species that have faced significant threats, its management continues to work towards securing UNESCO World Heritage status, highlighting its importance on a global scale.

Lower Zambezi Wildlife

Lower Zambezi National Park is a popular destination for offering a front-row seat to the wild side of nature. This park is bustling with life, featuring some of Africa's most iconic creatures. It stands out as a must-visit for anyone looking for the Best Safari in Zambia.

Here's what you can expect to see:

  • Elephants and buffaloes roam in large numbers, particularly noticeable during the dry season.
  • Predators like lions and leopards offer a glimpse into the raw beauty of the wild.
  • The park is known for its wild dogs, showcasing their unmatched hunting skills.
  • Night-time unveils secretive animals such as hyenas, adding a mysterious charm to the safari experience.
  • Additionally, the park hosts other animals like hippos, waterbucks, kudus, and zebras, enriching the safari experience.

The dry season, from May to October, is the Best Time to Visit Zambia for a wildlife safari. This is when animals gather around the Zambezi River, making it easier for visitors to spot them.

Our Lower Zambezi Safari Tours invites you to step into the wilderness and experience the vibrant life of Zambia's Wildlife first-hand with the assistance of our expert guides.

Lower Zambezi Birdlife

Lower Zambezi National Park is a paradise for bird enthusiasts. A visit to the park offers an exceptional Zambia Birdlife Safari experience. With over 350 bird species recorded, the park is a vibrant hub for both resident and migratory birds which makes it a standout destination for Zambia Safaris.

Key Insights:

  • Among the park's birdlife, raptors are a significant highlight. There are more than 50 species observed, including the majestic Verreaux’s eagle.
  • Unique species such as the African pitta, known for its vibrant colours, and the Pennant-winged nightjar, attract birdwatchers from all over the world.
  • Additionally, the presence of the African skimmer and the visually striking Southern carmine bee-eater adds to the allure.
  • Commonly seen species that enhance the Lower Zambezi birdwatching experience include the African jacana, Lilian’s lovebird, Meves’s starling, and the Southern ground hornbill.

Optimal Birdwatching Seasons:

  • The wet season, spanning from November to April, is the prime time for birdwatching in Lower Zambezi National Park.
  • This period welcomes migratory birds and is when many species are in their eye-catching breeding plumage.
  • Although the focus may shift towards general wildlife during the dry season, from May to October, the park still offers abundant birdwatching opportunities.

With its rich birdlife and strategic position along the riverbanks, Lower Zambezi National Park provides an exceptional setting for birdwatching. It's a year-round destination for observing the spectacular birdlife, making every visit a memorable chapter in a Zambia Birdlife Safari.

Lower Zambezi Attractions and Experiences

Because of the presence of the Zambezi River and its parallel escarpment, Lower Zambezi presents to its travellers some of the Best Zambia Safari Attractions and Activities. It's not as famous as Victoria Falls, but it's just as magical, offering its admirers a unique mix of adventure, wildlife, and natural beauty.

Here’s what you can’t miss:

  • Canoeing down the Zambezi River lets you quietly observe wildlife and birds in their natural environment.
  • Fishing enthusiasts will enjoy catch-and-release fishing for tigerfish and bream, making for a sustainable adventure.
  • Boat transfers between camps provide a unique perspective of the park from the water.
  • A hike to Chongwe Falls for a picnic combines physical activity with relaxation amidst stunning scenery.
  • Afternoon tea or sundowners on a pontoon boat offers a relaxing end to an adventurous day.
  • Game drives reveal the park's diverse mammal species, from elephants to lions.
  • Guided nature walks allow for a closer look at the park’s flora and fauna.
  • Birdwatching is a treat with over 391 species to spot.
  • Visiting local Goba villages offers insight into the local culture and traditions.
  • Lunch on a sandbank in the Zambezi River is an amazing experience, blending fine dining with the beauty of nature.

Thus, Lower Zambezi National Park is a place where adventure meets peace. It provides a range of activities from exhilarating encounters with wildlife to tranquil moments beside the river. It’s the perfect spot for anyone looking for amazing Things to do in Zambia and dive deep into its natural wonders.  

Entrance Fees and Rates for Lower Zambezi National Park

Exploring the wonders of Lower Zambezi National Park is a must-do for anyone visiting Zambia. To help you plan more easily, here we provide you with Lower Zambezi National Park Entrance Fees information:

  • For international visitors, the entrance fee is $30 per person.
  • SADC and Zambia residents enjoy a discounted rate of $20 per person.
  • Zambian citizens pay a special rate of K41.70.

Other Information

  • Little ones under 5 years old get in for free.
  • Children between 5 and 13 years old enjoy half off.

Also, keep in mind, that these fees are for park access from 8 AM to 6 PM. Hope the above information comes in handy to plan your day around the breathtaking sights and sounds of Lower Zambezi on your Zambia Safaris

Best Month to Visit Lower Zambezi National Park

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Lower Zambezi in January

January in Lower Zambezi sees the wet season in full swing, with frequent rain most days making it quite lush. Daytime temperatures average around 32°C/90°F, cooling to 16°C/61°F at night. This month is challenging for Zambia Safaris due to heavy rains, which can limit wildlife viewing opportunities and access to some areas, as many camps are closed.

Lower Zambezi in February

February continues the trend of January with the wet season at its peak. Expect rain most days, maintaining the lush greenery of the park. Daytime temperatures stay around 32°C/90°F. It's a quiet time for Lower Zambezi National Park Tours because of the limited access and closed camps, despite the stunning landscapes.

Lower Zambezi in March

March is much like January and February, marking the end of the wettest months in Lower Zambezi. The frequent rains contribute to the park's beauty, with average daytime temperatures at 32°C/90°F. Lower Zambezi Tours may still be limited by accessibility and closed camps, even as the season starts to change.

Lower Zambezi in April

April sees a shift with less rainfall, exhibiting the transition towards the dry season. The park remains lush and vibrant, offering beautiful scenery. Daytime temperatures are warm. This month marks a favourite time for visitors as Lower Zambezi Safari Tours begin to resume, with improving conditions for wildlife viewing.

Lower Zambezi in May

May brings the start of the dry season, with an end to the rains and the bush beginning to dry. Temperatures are pleasant which makes it a great time for Zambia Tours as animals start to congregate around the river.  This improves wildlife viewing opportunities.

Lower Zambezi in June

June sees the bush drying further, with moderate daytime temperatures around 25°C/77°F and cooler nights. It's an excellent time for Lower Zambezi National Park Safaris. The weather is comfortable for game drives and increasingly better wildlife sightings as animals gather near water sources.

Lower Zambezi in July

July offers excellent game viewing conditions with dry weather and animals frequently spotted near water. Daytime temperatures are comfortable, and Zambia Destinations like Lower Zambezi become ideal for visitors seeking wildlife adventures in a cooler climate.

Lower Zambezi in August

August continues the dry season trend, with temperatures warming up but still offering great conditions for wildlife viewing. The parched bush drives animals to the river, perfect for Lower Zambezi Tours & Safaris. Mornings are milder, making early game drives a pleasant experience.

Lower Zambezi in September

September's temperatures rise which means the hotter days have approached. The dry bush makes wildlife viewing exceptional, as animals are easier to spot near water sources. This month is ideal for Lower Zambezi Safari Tours, offering some of the best game viewing opportunities of the year.

Lower Zambezi in October

October is the hottest month, with daytime temperatures peaking and the first rains possibly arriving late in the month. Despite the heat, it's a fantastic time for Lower Zambezi National Park Safaris, as animals congregate at the river, and the landscape starts to transform.

Lower Zambezi in November

November marks the start of the rainy season, bringing relief from the dry conditions. It's extremely hot with afternoon thunderstorms common. Zambia Safaris might be challenging due to the high malaria risk and many camps closing, yet the first rains rejuvenate the landscape, offering a different kind of beauty.

Lower Zambezi in December

December is characterised by wet conditions with rain most days, keeping the park lush and temperatures around 32°C/90°F. While many camps are closed and wildlife is dispersed, Zambia Tours during this time offers a unique perspective on the rejuvenated natural landscape of Lower Zambezi.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Lower Zambezi National Park is important because it's a key area for Zambia Wildlife Safari. A visit to the national park gives you unique opportunities to see animals like elephants, lions, and leopards in their natural habitat. It's a vital conservation area that preserves diverse ecosystems and provides exceptional safari experiences.

Lower Zambezi National Park is located in the Lusaka Province of Zambia. It's a prime Zambia Destination for visitors seeking adventure and wildlife viewing in one of the country's most beautiful natural settings.

No, there are no giraffes in Lower Zambezi National Park. The park's terrain and ecosystem do not support giraffes. However, it's a fantastic location for a Lower Zambezi Safari Tour to see a wide range of other wildlife, including elephants, buffaloes, and predators like lions and leopards.

In Lower Zambezi, you'll find a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, and hippos. Birdlife is also abundant, making it a perfect spot for Lower Zambezi Tours focused on both game viewing and bird watching.

To get to Lower Zambezi National Park, you can fly into Lusaka, Zambia’s capital, and then take a light aircraft to one of the several airstrips in the park. Alternatively, visitors can drive from Lusaka, a journey that offers its adventures.

In Lower Zambezi National Park, you can go on game drives, walking safaris, canoeing trips, and fishing excursions. These activities offer an immersive Lower Zambezi Tours & Safaris experience while allowing visitors to explore the park's diverse landscapes and wildlife up close.

Yes, Lower Zambezi National Park is suitable for families looking for an adventurous Zambia Safari. Many lodges and camps offer family-friendly accommodations and activities to engage all ages in the safari experience.

The Best Time to Visit Lower Zambezi National Park is during the dry season, from July to October when wildlife viewing is at its best. This period offers excellent conditions for Lower Zambezi Safari Tours, with animals congregating around water sources, making them easier to spot.

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